- "Amarillo Lestoat (1776—1977): Flamboyant American vampire. Author of A Vampire's Monologue — intended to bore the reader into a stupor making him/her easier prey for vampires."
- —Chocolate Frog Card.[src]
Amarillo Lestoat (1776—1977) was a flamboyant American vampire. He wrote a book, A Vampire's Monologue, which was intended to bore readers out of their minds and render them easier to bite. For this, he was honored with a Chocolate Frog Card.[1]
"Amarillo" is Spanish for "yellow", "le" is French for "the" and a stoat is an animal related to the weasel. Consequently, his name appears to translate to "the yellow stoat".
Behind the scenes[]
- His name might be a pun on the character Lestat of Ann Rice's Interview with the Vampire and the novel of the same name.