The Harry Potter Compendium
The Harry Potter Compendium

Ambrosius Flume was a wizard. He and his wife ran Honeydukes Sweetshop in Hogsmeade, which is a very popular shop among Hogwarts students during the school's weekend trips to Hogsmeade.


Early life[]

Ambrosius Flume attended Hogwarts School in his youth and was taught Potions by Horace Slughorn. Ambrosius became a member of the Slug Club.[2]


As he was a member of the Slug Club, Horace Slughorn introduced Ambrosius to Ciceron Harkiss and thus had him employed. As repayment for Horace's kindness, Flume sent a hamper of Slughorn's favourite sweets (Crystallised pineapple) to him annually on his birthday.[2]

Marriage and Honeydukes[]

At some point in his life, Ambrosius married to Mrs. Flume.[2] By 1993, the couple lived in a flat above Honeydukes Sweetshop and ran together said shop. In 1993, during one of the weekend trips to Hogsmeade, Mrs. Flume asked Ambrosius to get some Jelly Slugs, as the shop was filled with Hogwarts students.[3]

Battle of Hogwarts[]

It is most likely that as a former Hogwarts student Ambrosius participated in the Battle of Hogwarts alongside his wife, and fellow Hogsmeade residents Aberforth Dumbledore, Madam Rosmerta and Madam Puddifoot.


Ambrosius comes from the Greek word "ambrosia" meaning food or drink of the gods. It is also referred as nectar, which is sweet (like candy) and bestows immortality. A flume is an artificial channel for the flow of water

Behind the scenes[]

  • Flume may have been the one who told Tom Riddle that Horace Slughorn was quite fond of Crystallised pineapple. Tom used this sweet as a casual bribe the night he asked Slughorn on the method and effects of creating Horcruxes.
  • It is possible, as he was a former Slug Club, that he attended the christmas party in 1996.


Notes and references[]

  1. Slughorn resigned from his teaching position in 1981, meaning Flume would have been a member of the Slug Club by at least then.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - Chapter 4 (Horace Slughorn)
  3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban - Chapter 10 (The Marauder's Map)

fr:Ambrosius Flume nl:Ambrosius Flier
