An antidote is an item, generally a potion, that will protect against or act as a remedy for specific ailments. Sometimes time is all that is needed for certain magical effect to wear off, such as in the case of Polyjuice Potion, but others require a special application to counteract such effects.
The Mandrake forms an essential part of most antidotes.[1]
- Antidote to Veritaserum: Disables the effects of Veritaserum.
- Ashwinder eggs: Cures Malaria.
- Bezoar: The stone from the stomach of a goat which cures most poisons.
- Blood-Replenishing Potion: Replenishes blood loss after injury.
- Bruise removal paste: Heals bruising.
- Bubotuber pus: Cures persistent acne.
- Burn-healing paste: Heals burns.
- Cure for Boils: Heals boils and skin eruptions. Also counteracts the Furnunculus Curse.
- Deflating Draught: Reverses swelling caused by spells, stings or other magical causes for inflation such as the effects of the Swelling Solution.
- Dittany: Heals wounds and regrows skin.
- Draught of Peace: Gives the drinker a feeling of peace and well-being, but if overdone it can put the drinker into a deep or even irreversible sleep.
- Dreamless Sleep Potion: Temporarily calms emotional trauma.
- Dr. Ubbly's Oblivious Unction: While the specific effects are unknown, this tincture seems to lessen mental or emotional scarring.
- Elixir to Induce Euphoria: Temporarily lessens the effects of depression.
- Glumbumble treacle: Counteracts the hysteria caused by eating Alihotsy leaves.
- Hiccupping Solution: Cures hiccups.
- Love Potion Antidote: Counteracts a Love Potion.
- Mandrake Restorative Draught: Cures petrification.
- Memory Potion: Restores memory or the ability to remember.
- Mimbulus Mimbletonia: Cures shyness.
- Murtlap Essence: A home remedy for cuts and abrasions.
- Pepperup Potion: Cures the common cold or flu.
- Phoenix tears: Like the bezoar, these tears can heal most fatal ailments.
- Skele-Gro: Heals and mends broken bones, as well as regrows missing bones.
- Sleeping Draught: Cures insomnia.
- Ten-Second Pimple Vanisher: Removes facial blemishes.
- Wiggenweld Potion: Reverses the effect of the Draught of Living Death.
- Wolfsbane Potion: Temporarily lessens the effect of lycanthropy.
- Wound-Healing Potion: Closes and heals open wounds.
Behind the scenes[]
- According to W.O.M.B.A.T., it may be impossible to cure poison without the correct antidote.
- Although Love Potions' effects wear off over time if not continuously applied, an antidote exists for it nevertheless.
- There is a sign at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries reading "Antidotes are anti-don'ts unless approved by a qualified Healer."
- Antidotes are essential study for Aurors.[2]
See also[]
- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (First appearance)
- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (film)
- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (video game)
- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (film)
- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (video game)
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (film) (Mentioned only)
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (video game)
- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (film)
- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (film)
- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (film)
- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (video game)
- Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Notes and references[]
- ↑ Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Chapter 6 - (Gilderoy Lockhart)
- ↑ Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 29 - (Careers Advice)