The Harry Potter Compendium

"Artium Magister."
—Gagwilde's motto, as inscribed on the portrait depicting him and Professor Aragon playing chess.[src]

Professor Brian Gagwilde was a wizard and a Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.[1] Professor Gagwilde also wrote Jiggery Pokery and Hocus Pocus.[2][3]

His portrait, in which he is depicted as playing a game of chess with Walter Aragon, is still at the Headmaster's office, to give advice to the current Head.


Notes and references[]

  1. Harry Potter Limited Edition - The Paintings of Hogwarts: Masterpieces from the School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Sets
  2. "The Dames Hit Hollywood! Day Four: Warner Brothers Studio" from An Elegant Obsession blog
  3. Pottermore