The Harry Potter Compendium

Harry Potter: Puzzles & Spells is a mobile game developed by Zynga and published by Portkey Games. Announced in March 2020, it was published on 22 September 2020 and is available on Android, iOS, Amazon Kindle, and Facebook.[1]


The game was announced in March 2020.[2] A teaser was released in May 2020.[3] It was made available for pre-registration on 13 August 2020.[4] Upon release, Zynga partnered with singer Zayn Malik to unveil the game.

In-App purchases[]


Bundle Content Cost
Splendid Bundle
File:IconShopGold1.png 1.500
File:MagicStrikePAS.png 1 File:Chain Lightning - PAS.png 1 File:Winged Key - PAS.png 1
Exceptional Bundle
File:IconShopGold1.png 5.500
File:MagicStrikePAS.png 1 File:Winged Key - PAS.png 2
File:Chain Lightning - PAS.png 2 File:Bombastic Bomb - PAS.png 1
Magnificent Bundle
File:IconShopGold1.png 12.000
File:MagicStrikePAS.png 2 File:Severing Surge - PAS.png 2
File:Winged Key - PAS.png 3 File:Chain Lightning - PAS.png 3 File:Bombastic Bomb - PAS.png 3
Marvellous Bundle
File:IconShopGold1.png 26.000
File:MagicStrikePAS.png 4 File:Severing Surge - PAS.png 4 File:Winged Key - PAS.png 4
File:Chain Lightning - PAS.png 4 File:Bombastic Bomb - PAS.png 4 File:InfiniteLivesPAS.png 2H
Mastery Bundle
File:IconShopGold1.png 55.000
File:MagicStrikePAS.png 8 File:Severing Surge - PAS.png 8 File:Winged Key - PAS.png 4
File:Chain Lightning - PAS.png 8 File:Bombastic Bomb - PAS.png 8 File:InfiniteLivesPAS.png 6H
Exquisite Bundle
File:IconShopGold1.png 115.000
File:MagicStrikePAS.png 12 File:Severing Surge - PAS.png 12 File:Winged Key - PAS.png 12
File:Chain Lightning - PAS.png 12 File:Bombastic Bomb - PAS.png 12 File:InfiniteLivesPAS.png 24H


The player creates a character, customising the appearance, choosing their wand and the house, follows the story of Harry Potter starting from his residence in Privet Drive to the adventures that follow at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

He learns spells that will prove useful during puzzles and can be accompanied by creatures by collecting cards.

Inside the game there is a shop where he can make purchases in the app, a section where the events appear, one dedicated to the player's profile and another where there are clubs where the player can join.


Puzzles & Spells is a match-3 puzzle game where players go on an advance tour of some familiar locations as they play through the puzzle game play.

Locations include flying to Wizarding world locations, walking through Diagon Alley, and through staircases in Hogwarts.

Players can form clubs and join bands and participate in special in-game cooperative activities.

Player journey[]

Puzzles Title From Images
1-5 Privet Drive Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone File:Daily Prophet -Muggles mystified by owl sightings - PAS.png
6-15 Platform 9 3/4 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone File:Daily Prophet - Hogwarts Express Departs - PAS.png
16-30 Hogwarts Express Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone File:Daily Prophet -Hogwarts Express returns - PAS.png
31-45 Arrival at Hogwarts Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone File:The Quibbler - Secrets of the Black Lake - PAS.png.png
46-65 Sorting ceremony Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone File:Witch Weekly Celebration of Sorting PAS.png
66-105 Grand Staircase Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone File:The Quibbler - PAS.png
106-145 Potions class Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone File:Mixture Monthly - PAS.png
146-185 Remembrall Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone File:Seeker Weekly - PAS.png
186-225 Mountain troll Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone File:Daily Prophet -Troll rampages Hogwarts Lavatory - PAS.png
226-265 Quidditch match Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone File:Seeker Weekly - Rising Stars cover - PAS.png
266-305 Christmas at Hogwarts Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone File:Transfiguration Today - Christmas Traditions - PAS.png
306-345 Norbert Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone File:The Quibbler - Baby Dragons - PAS.png
346-385 Forbidden Forest Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone File:The Quibbler - Unrest in Hogwarts' Forbidden Forest - PAS.png
386-425 Third floor corridor Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone File:The Quibbler - The Truth Behind the Trapdoor - PAS.png
426-485 The trap door Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone File:The Quibbler - Outbreak of Devil's Snare! - PAS.png
486-545 Beyond the trap door Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone File:The Quibbler - Does Hogwarts Have A New Wizard Chess Champion? - PAS.png
546-605 The Sorcerer's Stone Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone File:The Quibbler - Hogwarts Defenses Breached - PAS.png
606-665 House Cup celebration Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone File:Daily Prophet - Gryffindor wins the House Cup - PAS.png
666-725 Dobby Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets File:Daily Prophet - House Elves free or not to free - PAS.png
726-785 The Burrow Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets File:Witch Weekly - Spring Cleaning Issue - PAS.png
786-845 Floo Powder Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets File:Transfiguration Today - Floo Network Travel on the rise - PAS.png
846-905 Knockturn Alley Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets File:The Quibbler - Spotlight on Knockturn Alley - PAS.png
906-965 Gilderoy Lockhart Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets File:PAS Most Charming Smile Issue.png
966-1055 The Whomping Willow Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets File:The Quibbler - Secret History of Hogwarts Womping Willow - PAS.png
1056-1145 Mandrakes Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets File:Daily Prophet - Mandrake - PAS.png
1146-1235 Pixies Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets File:The Quibbler - Pixie Problems Affect Hogwarts - PAS.png
1236-? Eat slugs Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
?-? First floor corridor Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
?-? Brewing the Polyjuice Potion Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
?-? The Duelling Club Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
?-? Dumbledore's office Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
?-? Aragog Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
?-? The Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
?-? Destroying the diary Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
?-? Freeing Dobby Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
?-? Hagrid's return Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets










Notes and references[]

The Harry Potter Compendium has 1 image related to Harry Potter: Puzzles & Spells.

External links[]
