The Harry Potter Compendium

The Head of Gryffindor House is a Professor at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry with the specific role of looking after the students in their House. It is unknown how a professor would be elected for the post, but it's most likely that the headmaster chooses the professor whom embodies all the qualities Godric Gryffindor himself had (bravery, daring, conscientiousness, etc.) and was probably in Gryffindor House when he/she was at Hogwarts.

Every portrait in Gryffindor Tower depicts a current or former Head of Gryffindor.[1]

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Minerva McGonagall - Head of Gryffindor during Harry Potter's time at Hogwarts.

Special duties in the History of Hogwarts[]

The following are special duties that were performed by the Head of Gryffindor in the past.

Known Heads of Gryffindor[]

See also[]

Notes and references[]
