The Harry Potter Compendium

The Love Potion Antidote is a potion that cures the symptoms of the Love Potion. It is described as a clear liquid.


Horace Slughorn brewed some for Ron Weasley on 1 March, 1997 when he unintentionally ate some Chocolate Cauldrons spiked with Love Potion by Romilda Vane, which had fallen off of Harry Potter's bed and were mistaken by Ron as one of his birthday presents[1].


The recipe to make the Love Potion Antidote is as follows[2]:

  1. Add four Wiggentree twigs, or until the potion turns green.
  2. Stir until the potion turns orange.
  3. Add castor oil until the potion turns blue.
  4. Stir until the potion turns purple.
  5. Add extract of Gurdyroot until the potion turns red.
  6. Add Wiggentree twigs.
  7. Add Extract of Gurdyroot until the potion turns purple.
  8. Leave the potion to simmer till it turns red.
  9. Add more gurdyroot extract till it turns green.
  10. Stir till it turns orange.
  11. Add seven Wiggentree twigs.
  12. Allow to simmer till it turns pink.

Behind the scenes[]

  • The potion is clear in the book, but on the film version the antidote is of a bright red colour. Yet, on the video game the potion is pink.
  • Although a love potion's effects will eventually wear off on their own, this antidote can be used as an expedient alternative.
  • A Hate Potion can also cancel out a Love Potion's effects, and vice versa.
  • It is unknown if each type of Love Potion has its own specific antidote, or all varieties can be cancelled out by one antidote.


Notes and references[]

  1. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - Chapter 18 (Birthday Surprises)
  2. See this video
