The Harry Potter Compendium


Nordic Team logo

The Nordic National Quidditch team is the team that represents Norway, Sweden, and Denmark for international Quidditch tournaments.

Team Special Move[]

The Nordic's team special move is a fairly complicated manoeuvre known as The Björn Blizzard (20 points), and plays out as follows: the 3 chasers and the 2 beaters do flips in the air, making streams of icy fog. The opposing team's chasers are forced to close their eyes, (and freezing the opposing keeper) while Gustaffson scores. Gustaffson goes behind the goal, then passes the ball back to Hansen who scores.

File:Quidditch World Cup - Nordic-Team Quidditch Stadium 01.jpg

Nordic Stadium

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Peter Hansen with the quaffle.


The team's emblem consists of three Quidditch Goalposts with a snowflake in front of them and the sun shining behind a glacier in the background.


The Nordic Quidditch Stadium is located in Scandinavia. The stadium is set in a massive glacier crevasse, where small stands are located. The goalposts are greenish-blue, as is the outline of the pitch.


Nordic National Team
Olaf Andersen Lorre Gustafson Peter Hansen
  Asgard Pettersson Asgeir Knutsen  
Keeper Seeker
Martin Helstrom Tina Lundstrom

