The Harry Potter Compendium
File:Poor WOMBAT.jpg

A Poor-graded W.O.M.B.A.T..

Poor is the highest of the three failing grades, out of six grades overall, in the Ordinary Wizarding Levels, Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests and Wizards' Ordinary Magic and Basic Aptitude Tests. It is the third lowest mark, immediately below Acceptable and immediately above Dreadful.

Entering into N.E.W.T. Classes[]

If a student receives a "Poor" grade or lower in their O.W.L. examination, they have failed that particular subject, rendering them unable to continue on with it at N.E.W.T. level. They do, however, have the option to retake the subject at O.W.L., if they choose to do so.

Other Grades[]

Passing Grades

Failing Grades

Known Recipients[]

*Divination was Harry's weakest subject.

