The Harry Potter Compendium

All third year students at Hogwarts are required to complete a set of examinations to get into the fourth year. There is one exam for each subject.

1994 timetable[]

Monday: Transfiguration, Charms, Arithmancy and Study of Ancient Runes.

Tuesday: Care of Magical Creatures, Potions, Astronomy.

Wednesday: History of Magic, Herbology.

Thursday: Defence Against the Dark Arts, Divination, Muggle Studies.

Known exams[]



The exam included turning a teapot into a tortoise.


Was to perform the Cheering Charm, among other spells.

Care of Magical Creatures[]

To keep a Flobberworm alive for an hour.


To brew a Confusing Concoction.

History of Magic[]

May have included questions on Witch Hunts.

Defence Against the Dark Arts[]


The obstacle course.

An obstacle course of dark magical creatures which included wading across a deep paddling pool containing a grindylow, a series of potholes full of Red Caps, Squishing your way across a patch of marsh ignoring the misleading directions of a Hinkypunk then climbing into an old trunk and battle a Boggart.


Included looking into a crystal ball and being able to distinguish what could be seen. Both Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley chose to simply make something up. Harry's prediction, of a hippogriff flying away, turned out to be accurate. As nobody was mentioned as having failed the exam despite several students admitting they were just making things up, it is likely that anyone who at least pretended to see something would have been given a pass.


See also[]

Wizarding Education
Beauxcrest Hogwarts shield DurmstrangCrest
Schools: Beauxbatons Academy of Magic · Castelobruxo · Durmstrang Institute · Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry · Ilvermorny · Koldovstoretz School · Mahoutokoro School of Magic · Uagadou School of Magic
Specialized schools: Academy of Broom Flying · Charm School · Euro-Glyph School of Extraordinary Languages · Merge School of Under-Water Spellage · Wizarding Academy of Dramatic Arts
Examinations: First year exams · Second year exams · Third year exams · Fourth year exams · Ordinary Wizarding Level · Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Test
Core classes: Astronomy · Charms · Defense Against the Dark Arts · Herbology · History of Magic · Potions · Transfiguration
Elective classes: Alchemy · Arithmancy · Care of Magical Creatures · Divination · Muggle Studies · Study of Ancient Runes
Extra-curricular classes: Apparition · Advanced Arithmancy Studies · Ancient Studies · Art · Flying · Frog Choir · Ghoul Studies · Hogwarts orchestra · Magical Theory · Muggle Art · Muggle Music · Music · Xylomancy
